Microplastics discovered near the peak of Mount Everest

The once-pristine mountain environment of Mount Everest is now littered with everything from oxygen cannisters to the bodies of climbers. And microplastics. Key points: Researchers found microplastics at all 19 sites sampled on Mount Everest This is the highest altitude microplastics have been discovered at The source is believed to be climbers, however atmospheric transfer can't be ruled out Scientists studying plastic pollution on Mount Everest have discovered microplastics as high as 8,440 metres up the mountain, just 408 metres below the peak. This is the first time researchers have looked at microplastics on the mountain, and they were surprised to find them at such high altitudes. The results of their study are published today in One Earth. "These are the highest microplastics [ever] discovered so far," lead author Imogen Napper from the University of Plymouth said in a statement. "It means that microplastics have been found from the depths of the ...