Benefits of Reading Books

Benefits of reading a book
Life changes when people read a lot of books:

1, poor, sad, sick, old-old, beggars also start to see people!

2, It is understood that a weapon is more dangerous than a gun and a knife is tongue and word!

3, at the end, we understand why the thief steals!

4, If someone makes a mistake, it is encouraged to forgive him!

5, we understand where to speak and where to remain silent!

6, the value of parents is understood!

The misunderstanding that life ends with things like 7, breakup, release, death of a loved one! Such incidents seem to be normal in life!

8, People who post funny pictures on social networks understand how sad they really are!

9, The difference between love and work is understood!

10, It is understood that health is the most precious asset!

11, even if people who read the book lose because of true behavior, they don't think about suicide!

11, those who have wealth of millions, their poverty and those who earn 100-200 rupees daily, their prosperity is seen!

12, The importance of education is understood in life!

13, Everyone sees the actors in a movie but in daily real life, many people are acting better than that! This fact only most book-reading experienced people can identify!

14, People who read many books only know about one caste and that is - humanity!

15, Motivating losers knows they can win again!

16, 1 percent of people on this earth are good and 1 percent of people are bad! The remaining 98 percent of us all people are just their followers! Some people become good by imitating good people and some people become bad by following bad people! This fact is known to those who study!

17, Study people don't put mud on others but clean their glasses from time to time!


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